The CITYCARE team took the opportunity of the awareness seminar to organize a new F2F meeting on Friday 25th of October 2019. The meeting took place at the premises of Dow Silicones Belgium (DOW) in Seneffe. It was also the opportuntiy for Agnès Tessier, our new team member from DOW, to meet the team in person. Agnès took over the responsibilities from Stuart Leadley.

From the left to the right: Irini Dijkhoff (UNIFR – ESR3), Barbara Drasler (UNIFR), Roxane Prieux (UNIFE – ESR2), Agnès Tessier (DOW), Benedetta Petracca (DOW – ESR1), Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser (UNIFR), Franco Cervellati (UNIFE), Marc Eeman (DOW), Isabelle Van Reeth (DOW), and Giuseppe Valacchi (UNIFE).